AWS EKS Black Belt Course

Hello and welcome to the most complete AWS EKS course, Black Belt Course.

This course is created for those who want to learn AWS EKS and Kubernetes in depth. AWS EKS is an AWS-managed Kubernetes service, which stands for Elastic Kubernetes Service. Many companies are looking to migrate their applications to Kubernetes, especially EKS, and because of that, it’s super important for all Cloud engineers, Platform engineers, DevOps engineers and Kubernetes engineers to have hands-on experience with EKS and Kubernetes. So, if you want to learn EKS, join this course for free. This course covers all EKS topics.

The last update was on 26 Jul 2024 to help you find the latest changes.

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AWS EKS is easy as it’s a managed service:

Although EKS is a managed service, there are many topics you should learn before using EKS “also Kubernetes” to run your production workloads. Upgrading cluster, worker nodes, addons and components. Configuring storage, network, network policies, load balancers, ingress controller, and subnets. Managing costs, monitoring, logging, and application performance. Cluster security, network security, application security, supply chain security, and many more topics will be covered in this course for all enthusiasts who want to learn more about EKS, even AWS experts.

Course program and materials:

  • 54 EKS-focused articles specially written for AWS EKS environments. (FREE)
  • All related AWS CLI commands to deploy and test scenarios. (FREE)
  • IaC codes to setup and deploy environments through automation. (FREE)
  • Question and answer chat forum to support students. (FREE)

Course details:

The course starts on 06 Nov 2023 and ends on 11 Nov 2024, and every article will be published at 9 a.m. UTC every Monday. We may continue the course for another year with new articles, which depends on participants’ and sponsors’ welcome.

AWS EKS tutorial free registration:

Register here to take the course for FREE, get the latest updates, and access course materials.

AWS EKS Black Belt Course topics:

AWS EKS – Part 1 – Deploy EKS cluster requirements

AWS EKS – Part 2 – Deploy managed cluster control plane

AWS EKS – Part 3 – Deploy worker nodes using managed node groups

AWS EKS – Part 4 – Deploy worker nodes using custom launch templates

AWS EKS – Part 5 – Deploy self-managed worker nodes

AWS EKS – Part 6 – Deploy Bottlerocket worker nodes and update operator

AWS EKS – Part 7 – Deploy ARM-based Kubernetes Worker nodes

AWS EKS – Part 8 – Deploy Worker nodes using Spot Instances

AWS EKS – Part 9 – Deploy Worker nodes using Fargate Instances

AWS EKS – Part 10 – Deploy cluster with private API endpoint

AWS EKS – Part 11 – Deploy workers in private subnets behind the NAT gateway

AWS EKS – Part 12 – Deploy fully air-gapped EKS clusters without internet

AWS EKS – Part 13 – Setup IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

AWS EKS – Part 14 – Setup EKS Pod Identities to access AWS resources

AWS EKS – Part 15 – Restrict Node IMDS access to Secure AWS account access

AWS EKS – Part 16 – Enable Secrets Encryption at Rest with AWS KMS Service

AWS EKS – Part 17 – Enable Cluster Logging with AWS CloudWatch Service

AWS EKS – Part 18 – Kubernetes Authentication with AWS IAM Users

AWS EKS – Part 19 – Kubernetes Authentication with AWS IAM Roles

AWS EKS – Part 20 – Authentication and Authorization with EKS Access Entries

AWS EKS – Part 21 – Kubernetes Authentication with AWS Cognito and Kubelogin

AWS EKS – Part 22 – Deploy and Manage Amazon EKS Cluster Addons

AWS EKS – Part 23 – Upgrade Kubernetes Cluster and Worker Nodes

AWS EKS – Part 24 – Delete EKS Cluster and All Dependent Resources

AWS EKS – Part 25 – Work with AWS VPC CNI Network Plugin

AWS EKS – Part 26 – Increase AWS VPC CNI Allocatable IP Addresses

AWS EKS – Part 27 – Security Groups for Pod Network Security

AWS EKS – Part 28 – Deploy Pods and Workloads in Different Subnets

AWS EKS – Part 29 – Setup and Work with AWS Network Load Balancer

AWS EKS – Part 30 – Setup AWS Ingress Controller and Application Load Balancer

AWS EKS – Part 31 – Setup Calico CNI Network Plugin on EKS Clusters

AWS EKS – Part 32 – Setup Cilium CNI Network Plugin on EKS Clusters

AWS EKS – Part 33 – Bring Your Own CNI (BYOCNI) Network Plugins

AWS EKS – Part 34 – Kubernetes Storage with EBS CSI Driver

AWS EKS – Part 35 – Kubernetes Storage with EFS CSI Driver

AWS EKS – Part 36 – Volume Snapshot using CSI Snapshotter

AWS EKS – Part 37 – Work with Amazon File Cache in Kubernetes

AWS EKS – Part 38 – Mount S3 Buckets like Normal Filesystem

AWS EKS – Part 39 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 40 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 41 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 42 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 43 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 44 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 45 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 46 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 47 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 48 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 49 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 50 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 51 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 52 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 53 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

AWS EKS – Part 54 – The title is Hidden – Exposed Soon.

Course materials and license:

If you like this series of articles, please share them and write your thoughts as comments here. Your feedback encourages me to complete this massively planned program. Just share them and provide feedback. I’ll make you an AWS EKS black belt.

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One Comment

  1. The course looks like very interesting, I am planing to start learning EKS with you, Thanks for the course. 👍🏻

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